Feb 25, 2020 | Photo Galleries, Texas
TACCA held their EXPO 2020 in San Antonio TX on Wednesday January 22. The all day event included lunch and training sessions. TACCA would like to thank the sponsors that made this annual event possible: CPS Energy, TACCA Greater San Antonio, Americrane, Johnstone...
Jan 1, 2020 | Photo Galleries, Texas
Johnstone Supply Corpus and the Valley celebrated Christmas with a series of Open Houses the week of December 9-13th. The Open Houses finished in Corpus on Friday the 13th with a lunch, vendor fair and prizes
Jan 1, 2020 | Featured Stories, Texas
Houston, TX – Century A/C Supply, a leading HVAC distributor in the state of Texas, hosted a grand opening celebration on November 14th to debut their new Houston Training Center and Lab. The newly designed training center will be utilized to host public and...
Jan 1, 2020 | Photo Galleries, Texas
Insco Distributing has always taken great pride in the tenure of our employees, recognizing how industry experience impacts the level of customer service & support we can offer. “Best Products, Best Service & Best People” has been our long-standing slogan and...
Dec 3, 2019 | Arkansas, Featured Stories, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
HOUSTON- Dr. Dave Gorman with Airsys, wallmount A/C Mfg., proudly announced the appointment of The Heyden Stanley Group as their representatives for Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. Rick Heyden stated that “we are very...
Oct 5, 2019 | Photo Galleries, Texas
TACCA Greater Austin held their monthly meeting on Tuesday September 10 at Casa Chapala in Austin TX. The keynote speaker was the new TACCA Executive Director Devorah Jakubowsky.