Mar 7, 2018 | Featured Stories, Texas
Gordon McKinney, VP/COO of Indianapolis based refrigerant producer, ICOR International, presented Tony Dylewski of Reacond Associates, with their 2017 Sales Associate of the Year award at the 2018 AHR Expo in Chicago. This is the second year in a row that Reacond has...
Mar 1, 2018 | Featured Stories, Texas
CHICAGO–Fresh-Aire UV®, Jupiter, Fla, named Randy Burg, Sugar Land, Texas as one of its first annual Manufacturer’s Rep All-Star Awards for recognition of outstanding preparation, organization, training and productivity at the International...
Mar 1, 2018 | Cover Story, Texas
Campaign Kicks Off With Initial Donation of $150,000 PLANO, TX – Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning, one of North America’s largest HVAC service companies, is now a proud sponsor of Make-A-Wish®. The North American partnership will touch the hundreds of US...
Feb 1, 2018 | News, Texas
The AGC Charities Inc, the charitable arm of the Associated General Contractors of America, is providing 83 construction workers in Texas with a total of $195,000 in donated funds to help cover losses they incurred as a result of Hurricane Harvey. The checks, which...