Aug 17, 2017 | Product News
SAN DIEGO – Carrier is proud to announce that the Côr thermostat has reached an important milestone by receiving the coveted ENERGY STAR certification, and was among the first thermostats to receive the certification. Carrier, a world leader in...
Aug 17, 2017 | Product News
Fujitsu General America has introduced Wi-Fi enabled, wall-mounted ductless split heating and cooling systems with efficiencies up to 33-SEER. The new 9,000 (9RLS3Y), 12,000 (12RLS3Y) and 15,000 (15RLS3Y) BTU models offer HSPF ratings of up to 14.2, making the entire...
Aug 17, 2017 | Photo Galleries, Texas
The two events were held at their Cedar Park and Frate Barker locations
Aug 17, 2017 | Consultants' Corner
When was the last time you looked at your website? I mean really looked at it. If you are like most small business owners, it has probably been awhile. Ignoring your website is a huge mistake, potentially putting future sales at risk in a world where technology is...