When was the last time you looked at your website? I mean really looked at it. If you are like most small business owners, it has probably been awhile.
Ignoring your website is a huge mistake, potentially putting future sales at risk in a world where technology is changing rapidly. These dramatic changes are raising visitor expectations all the time. So what will a prospective customer experience when they visit your website?
Let’s find out how good your website experience is
Go to your website and answer the following questions honestly.
Does the site look modern and fresh? With trends shifting rapidly, even sites which are just two years old are often starting to look a little dated. Does yours?
Does your website look good on mobile? Today a significant portion of your website visitors come to you via a mobile device. So how does your’s look and function? Do the pictures and text resize automatically and can I complete your basic form from my phone?
Do you have a clear and compelling call to action on your homepage? When visitors arrive are they presented with multiple options or worse yet, just a lot of text with no specific directions on what to do next? People have short attention spans. You have just a few seconds to grab their attention and drive them further into the website.
Can someone who has never been to your website find the information they are looking for? To make this work you have to have a simple navigation structure which drives people to specific sections of the website. On interior pages, supplemental menus can further direct visitors to niche topics. Also, the pages and blog posts must be well-titled and categorized so your search tool delivers relevant pages when people have no idea where to start.
Do you offer visitors a chance to learn more? Are you using downloads, videos, podcasts, audits, checklists and other tools to engage visitors and encourage them to sign up for your newsletter, schedule an appointment or buy now.
Next steps
So you answered the questions, now what? If you answered at least one question with a “no” it is time to update your existing website. If you answered “no” to all the questions you are long overdue for a web redesign.