FTL Finance has a free pre-screen service available to all registered contractors. Pre-screen gives contractors the ability to pre-qualify a customer for financing.

Contractors can call or email FTL Finance with their customer’s full name and their phone number. FTL Finance will then pre-screen the customer and let the contractor know the likelihood that their customer would be approved for financing, before submitting a full application. The pre-screen does not harm the customer’s credit.

Using the pre-screen response contractors can then decide what financing options to confidently offer the customer.

For more information about pre-screen call FTL Finance at 800-981-9032 or visit ftlfinance.com.

FTL Finance has provided contractors with an easy, simple consumer financing solution for over 20 years. Today FTL Finance helps contractors grow their sales by keeping the consumer application process easy, providing free-to-the-contractor financing programs, and approving customers with challenged credit profiles. For more information visit https://www.ftlfinance.com