Apr 20, 2021 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Jim Hnshaw We just went thru a horrific winter storm here in Texas. Started to say lovely Texas, but not this last week! It started on Saturday, when we learned a storm of epic proportions was headed our way. We had 5” of snow on Monday, and we reached 0...
Apr 20, 2021 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Richard Harshaw In a previous article in this column, I wrote about not neglecting that 401-K that is your business. I showed how your retirement income needs may well outstrip even an aggressive savings plan and suggested that...
Apr 20, 2021 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Lorraine Ball Even before the pandemic we saw business interactions shifting online. Consumers looked for products and interacted with potential service providers through their website and company Facebook pages. However, when I talk with many contractors they are...
Feb 28, 2021 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Gerry Wagner The history of the mini split: Prior to my time at Tradewinds Climate Systems, I did some contract work for Heat Controller, Inc. out of Jackson, MI. You know them by the brand name Comfort-Aire. I had the pleasure of learning the history of the mini...
Feb 28, 2021 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Jim Hinshaw Those words echoed across the sales floor at the Northern Colorado motor sports shop my son Jon is GSM at. Jon heard those words followed by the loud thump of heavy shoes stamping on the concrete floor. He remembered those words and boot...
Feb 28, 2021 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Lorraine Ball Words have the power to move, motivate, inspire, frighten, and cheer. What you say and how you say it can have a profound impact on another person. And some words, called power words, have more impact than others. These words have a strong meaning...