Sep 1, 2020 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
You are either a good technician or a good businessperson…this has been a long-standing belief in HVAC contracting. The person who is both is a rare commodity who holds the keys to both personal satisfaction and financial success. So, can you be both? Can you learn to...
Aug 4, 2020 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Richard Harshaw When I worked for Carrier Air Conditioning in the 1990’s, I was the “heir apparent” to Stu Docter and taught thousands of Carrier and Bryant dealers the financial ideas and methods of Stu. Some of you were in those meetings. Early on, I...
Aug 4, 2020 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Jim Hinshaw The most common question I get, no matter if I am talking to a contractor in Portland, Florida or Canada, is the same: can you get me some new employees? Many of the Service Nation members are growing, and in the midst of the hot summer, they...
Aug 4, 2020 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Lorraine Ball A few weeks ago, I flew to Dallas to buy a new phone for my mother-in-law, Kitzi. With children and grandchildren scattered across the country, the family decided to get her an iPhone so it would be easier for her to keep up with us through pictures,...
Jul 1, 2020 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Sam Von Tobel for Lorraine Ball Recent events have proven that life as a business owner is full of curve balls. Whether it’s a snowstorm trapping your employees at home or some crazy new change to the Google algorithm causing you to completely rethink your...
Jul 1, 2020 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Gerry Wagner 115 VOLT VS 230 VOLT: The GREE mini split product line offers 115 volt single zone mini split systems in the VIREO and the LIVO models. What exactly is the advantage of the 115 volt vs 230 volt system, if any? Well, let’s take a close look…we will use...