Sep 6, 2022 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
This article is a re-print of Richard Harshaw’s article in August 2011 for AIR CONDITIONING TODAY. Do you think he got it right? The news has been abuzz lately with snippets of our elected political heroes bloviating about how “the other party” is endangering...
Jun 1, 2022 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Jim Hinshaw Service Nation does two large industry shows each year, one in the Spring, another in the fall. Our Spring event this year was the Barefoot Roundtable (named that since last year, where we went to Florida, shoes were optional, shorts were required)...
Apr 1, 2022 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Lorraine Ball I love a good story If you hang around me for any length of time, you are going to hear a story. It may be about an adventure, my kids, a former boss, or a current client, but there is always a story. I rely on stories as a way to bring someone into a...
Apr 1, 2022 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Jim Hinshaw Excuse the title, winter is almost over in most of our markets. But what isn’t over is the government getting into our business. Here are some specific details that impact our industry. First, the new energy efficiency standards will be...
Apr 1, 2022 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Richard Harshaw Have you ever seen that arcade game called “Whack-a-Mole?” In it, you have a sledge hammer and you try to bop moles on the head as the game pops their heads up above the game board for a second or so. The more you bop, the higher your score. In...
Mar 3, 2022 | Columns, Consultants' Corner
by Jim Hinshaw I recently had a trip where I spent a significant amount of time with Ron Strelke, the owner of Force Home Services in the Dallas area, he shared an amazing story of a unique legacy. I had been on his website and noticed he had photos of all his...